Sitemap - 2024 - DESIGN THINKING!

A Fresh Week (+ bonus comic!)

Boxed In

Merry Christmas, everyone!

The Office Christmas Party

Santa's replacement

Nowhere is safe

I'm not hiring ChatGPT, people.

The Eternal Quandary

Crypto the Blunder Hog

It Musk Be True

Blood Red Flags

Triggering Words

Invite your friends to read DT! too!

Know your worthlessness

Design Tools (2024 Edition)

Ghost of Designer Past

A Song for Black Friday

Learn to take criticism

A Brief History of Posting Webcomics

Don't look behind the curtA.I.n

Stroke their ego

Head of Something Something

Dead Blue Birds and Blue Skies

The Less Than Great Exhibition

Receiving feedback

The cheaper option

Vulture Capitalists

Children's Literacy

Dark Mode

Scary stories for Halloween!

Who needs writers?


Post Rationalisation

Exclusively Inclusive

Inappropriate Tech Jargon

The Irony Fairy

Mistakes were made (redux)

An Unnecessary Apocalypse

Tools of the trade

Raymond the Octopus

Performance Review Time

'Hack Day' + exciting news!

Nostalgia dopamine hit

Award winning creative

Always read the contract

Portfolio Review

The Day is Coming


Make it MORE obvious

DT! Talk!

Luxury MVP?

Rest In Pieces

DT! Comic: Company Swag

DT! Comic: Break points

DT! Comic: Datavis for your project

Comfort Telly

Sense Check

Content Warnings

Stuck in the middle

Apportion blame correctly

Tech Speak

Evolution of Art Directors

Ideas above your station

Mind Reading Tech

Greatest Weaknesses


Salary Expectations

Monster under the bed

Know your place

Plumbing Thinking!

The truth will out

Out of office

Widows & Runts

Colour Profiles

A tale as old as time

No Need...

The Lord's Prayer


The Double Diamond of Doom

Things will calm down

Back to the office

Modern Life is Rubbish

Only yourself to blame

New stuff to buy!


Cloud Busting

Oh A.I. you naughty TEASE!

We're a family

Stand up

Pay creatives fairly

Honestly designed cookbooks

Problems & Solutions

Ethically Compromised

Spoiler Alert

Move fast and break things

Running low

Stare into the abyss

Interactive DT! I need your help...

Hiring is agony for the cynical

Sharing creative stuff on Social Media

Out of sight, out of mind

A Guide to Colours

Office Politics

Work/Life Balance

Not 'creative' enough?

Desk Evolution

Office Culture

Tech Dates

The Important Things

I'm a terrible person

Biblical jokes FTW!

Incestuous Design

Interview Bullshit Bingo

Actions have consequences

Gone Fishin'

Design for Evil

Fan Mail

AI Helper


Processing Power

Someone else's problem

Truth Bomb

Move fast and break things

Such a disappointment

General Admin

That nagging feeling

Prompt Chess

Quantitive appeasing


Feel valued

Registering Dissatisfaction

Management Material

Impending Doom

Agile Methodologies

The Damnation Loop, Vol. 2

Performance Reviews Anonymous

A.I. has feelings too.

Anatomy of a Zoom call

Officially Old

And you're back in the room

Ladies Might

Nothing comes from nothing

Interviewing Ex-Big Tech Designers

Don't ask me to be a Mentor

Right up your street.

Just because you can...

It's already out there.

Ethical Dilemma?

The Apple Vision Pro Vision


Skip to the end

It'll only take 5 minutes

Translation required


Antisocial media

My brain is not on my side

Visual Design is easy

Sprint to the end

Anything is preferable

Global Warning

The Head of Design

The Five Stages

Just be honest

No Fee No Win

Bury it in the backlog

Design is invisible

Standing up is overrated.