Let’s be honest, there’s a lot of overlap between the two.
Side note: I notice I use the words 'bollocks’ a lot in my strips. If this doesn’t tip you off to me being British, nothing will.
Did you know you can reply to these emails? I didn’t know either until the other day when some enterprising soul did and it popped into my inbox. Feel free to say hello if you like, I like reading nice emails from nice people.* More importantly if you’ve got any juicy stories you think would be good fodder for a comic strip, let me know those too and i’ll credit you when I post it out to the world.
Also if you’re feeling extra generous, please tell your friends about the strip. It’s still a relatively niche concern and I appreciate all the eyeballs I can get on it. Thank you!
*If you’re a horrible person writing a horrible email, then please disregard this uncharacteristic invitation.