Just sprinkle some fairy dust on it and make it look pretty.
Hey, remember I did that talk a few months ago? Well the good people at Chicago Camps who gave me that chance are doing another event this weekend and have kindly sponsored today’s email to advertise their wares. So BEHOLD! A LARGE PROMO GRAPHIC AND ACCOMPANYING TEXT.
UX Camp Winter 2024 is making UX education accessible for ALL! They have lots of smart people talking about things I only pretend to know about. Even better, it’s ridiculously cheap. They are Good Peoples.
• $13.50 Full Admission
• Pay What You Can
• Need 1, Take 1 Free Passes
Please join! And please share to make sure no one misses this opportunity. Join them on Feb 10th at 10 AM Central! That’s 4pm if you’re British and live in Britishland like me.
Register now: https://www.chicagocamps.org/event/ux-camp-winter-2024/
Hopefully I didn’t do a Wayne Campbell and publicly humiliate the sponsor. They blow goats, I have proof.