Every. Single. Time.
Thank you for signing up to my newsletter everyone! Building a dedicated audience away from the vagaries of social media whims and algorithms is a big help for me. But January was a cruel financial mistress so I have to rattle the tin a little bit. So if you have a few quid to spare and want to help support what I do a little bit more then there are a couple of options available. I sell some general merch here, if you’d like a mug or a t-shirt:
I also have a Ko-fi that you can donate a few quid to if you're feeling very kind. Some exceptionally generous souls even set up a monthly payment which is unbelievably kind of them. I still can’t believe that’s a thing that happens. That’s here:
On that note, I’ve also thought about making a paid tier for these newsletters that could offer some bonus/side stuff to unlock on top of the regular free strips you already get. Would that be something people might be interested in? As ever, my inbox is open to replies to these emails!