Hey folks, sorry to bother you on a Sunday evening, but I just put a new t-shirt up on my store and thought I would violate your trust by being horrendously greedy and spam mailing you all about it.
I thought i’d do a parody of, well… you know who. Why not pretend to be sporty when you’re perpetually sitting sedentarily looking at a computer screen?
My webstore be here:
Here’s a closer look at the illustration…
There is, of course, a bunch of other things on there still too. Fancy a mug? Got you covered. And some DT-shirt classics that as many as 10 other people already own in the world! Some of them are people I don’t even know!
But it all helps support what i’m doing, and more importantly gives me some small level of confidence that what i’m doing is actually worthwhile because a stranger has parted with a piece of their own hard earned cash for something stupid i’ve made.
Thank you for indulging me everyone! And an extra special thanks to all those who support what I do financially as well as emotionally. Much appreciated!