I mean why pay for art when anyone could do that? >pained eye-roll emoji<
When I first started freelance copywriting family members kept telling me they didn't understand why people didn't just write their marketing copy themselves. Uh, I don't know…perhaps I'm actually really good at this and do a better job than what they could do? Nah, that can't be right. Over the years many of these same family members have asked me to help them write emails, grant requests, eulogies and obituaries. I have not once suggested that maybe they could just do it themselves, and that is the only reason I think I have a shot at heaven.
I mean why pay for art when anyone could do that? >pained eye-roll emoji<
When I first started freelance copywriting family members kept telling me they didn't understand why people didn't just write their marketing copy themselves. Uh, I don't know…perhaps I'm actually really good at this and do a better job than what they could do? Nah, that can't be right. Over the years many of these same family members have asked me to help them write emails, grant requests, eulogies and obituaries. I have not once suggested that maybe they could just do it themselves, and that is the only reason I think I have a shot at heaven.
“Just write it? How hard can it be, it’s just writing?” Makes my blood boil every time I hear it. Have a comic on this very subject planned.