Hello everyone.
Well, I've got myself in a right big muddle. Trying to juggle reposts across 7 different social media sites and this email has melted my brain. I repost an old strip once a week (Fridays normally) but I've been posting different old strips at different times from different years on each site. So for the sake of my sanity I'm hitting a big reset button this week and basically aligning all reposts to be the same everywhere I post them. This might mean you see some stuff you've seen recently again, and for that I can only apologise.
But thank you for your continued support and patience, I really appreciate every one of you who have signed up to this newsletter. So with that in mind, let’s go right back to the beginning (with some modern embellishments)…
Well, this is all very meta! Did you come to your realisation about alignment whilst on the loo I wonder?
In (mostly) all seriousness, well done for biting the bullet and making the brave call to make things work for you instead of you working for them. Keep up the excellent and entertaining work.
But put a ickle puter in the loo and you are suddenly some kind of monster because you want to dodge the inspiration runs (phrasing... are we still doing phrasing?)