Hello everyone!
I meant to mention this before, but i’m useless and so forgot. But if you have a sudden crazy desire to listen to my boring British voice talk about DT! this Thursday, then you’re in luck! I’m going to be giving a short talk all about DT! during Chicago Camp’s Leadership by Design Conference at 12pm Central Time / 6pm UK time this Thursday, 14th September! Ticket are crazily cheap, starting at just $26 for the whole event.
In all honesty haven’t sorted anything out yet, but most likely will be talking about the genesis of the strip, show some examples and then show how I actually go about making it too. It will be in no way educational, but I hope in some way might be fun for you. Not for me, though. It will most likely be terrifying for me.
Anyway… you can find tickets here! Maybe ‘see’ you there? Hahahaha… i’m joking, I will have my camera off, and will be doing the online video chat equivalent of hiding in the toilets during a party.